How Long, O Lord?

…a spelling test today?” They are the questions you quickly learn you aren’t allowed to ask. But Psalm 13 teaches us that there are no questions we aren’t allowed to…

The Secret of Prosperity

…before I started my Higher School Certificate exams in 1983, she gave me this message to inspire me and to give me confidence. It comes from Philippians chapter 4 verse…

In the Midst of the Conflict

…inside our comfort zone. We are not meant to be suspicious of all spirits. But we are meant to test the spirits, to discern which come from God and to…

Freedom to Serve

…and minds they are to consider themselves free. That their work may be offered not under compulsion or to avoid a punishment but freely and willingly. They are to obey…

He is not Here

A sermon on Luke 24:1-12 by Rev Richard Keith on Easter Day 2022 Life is full of important questions. Questions like, Why are things always in the last place you…