A Living Hope

I’ve lived in rural Australia for almost 24 years. In that time, I’ve seen my share of plagues. Locust plagues. Mice plagues. Frog plagues. A plague of water, although we usually call that a flood. Mosquitos. And this summer, it’s been crickets. It’s been annoying...

Mending the Tear

  “Consider Christ,” the song said. Three times, once each verse, we were told to consider him. But what do we find when we follow that advice? When we look at him, what do we see? When we think about the events of that first Good Friday so long ago, what do we...

Works don’t Work

If I could summarise the heart of the message of Galatians it would be with this sentence: Works don’t work, only faith works. It sounds counter-intuitive. It seems to contradict all common sense. Of course, works work. Otherwise they wouldn’t be called works. But...

All for Him

Worship. It is a word we associate with church services and singing inspiring and moving songs. But at the heart of worship is something deeper and more profound. It’s more than just something we do or feel. It’s a choice, a commitment we make. Worhsip expresses what...

Are you the One?

A sermon on Matthew 11:1-15 by Richard Keith on Sunday 3 September 2023 Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It’s hard to look into the future. It’s hard to predict what life will be like in 5, 10 or 15 years’ time. We don’t even know what will happen tomorrow. Looking...

A Prophet Like Moses

A sermon on Matthew 5:38-48 by Richard Keith on Sunday 27 August 2023 The title of today’s message, “A Prophet Like Moses”, comes from the Lord’s promise to Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 18 I will raise up for them – the people of Israel – a prophet...

Jesus in Nazareth

  A sermon on Luke 4:14-30 by Richard Keith on Sunday 20 August 2023 Our message today is called, Jesus in Nazareth. And you wouldn’t expect that a message with that name would tell us anything new. After all, Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Though he was born in...