God’s Rescue Plan

God’s Rescue Plan

…flee This Jesus Christ will set the captives free God’s rescue plan God’s rescue plan Jesus is the hero In God’s rescue plan God’s rescue plan God’s rescue plan If…

Corowa Free Post Article on Richard’s Induction

To see the article at the Corowa Free Press website, click on this link: http://www.corowafreepress.com.au/2018/03/07/1704/warm-welcome-for-new-presbyterian-church-minister Corowa Presbyterian Church welcomed Rev Richard Keith and his wife Karen to Corowa on Saturday,…

A Lamp for my Feet

…of the joy of obedience, the freedom and contentment and peace that come from fulfilling our life’s purpose, doing the will of our creator. It’s a good reminder that the…

The Law of Grace

…argue that life is like a test. An exam. God has set a test the ten commandments are the ten subjects it covers, and those who pass the test go…

The Obedience of Faith

…set an entrance exam for heaven. Salvation is not a reward for passing some kind of test. Look at the ten commandments. God did not give them to Moses while…

Life in the Spirit

…under the all seeing eye of our creator. But we who are in Christ, who trust in Jesus and follow him, we have no fear of any coming test. In…

The Most Dangerous Idea

…a chair at me. Germaine Greer said, The most dangerous idea, the one that terrifies us the most, is freedom – to actually be free – is, to most human…