Grace and Peace

A sermon on Ephesians 1:1-2 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 5 July 2020 Have you ever asked someone, “How are you?” and they answered. I mean, actually answered. Like you were asking a serious question, “How are you?” like, “What is the current status of your health...

Ruth 3 & 4

A sermon on Ruth 3 & 4 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 28 June 2020 You can access the audio here Read Ruth 3 An American farmer was once showing off to an Australian friend. “Listen, mate,” the American said,...

Ruth 1 & 2

A sermon on Ruth 1 and 2 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 21 June 2020   Although our Bible readings today and next week come from the book of Ruth, the first part of Ruth’s story is about her mother-in-law, Naomi. Naomi was a woman, a wife and a mother, who lived...

The Life Everlasting

A sermon on John 3:16 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 14 June 2020 Cryonics is the practice of freezing the body of a dead person so that it can be thawed out centuries from now when medical science will have advanced far enough to revive them and to cure them of...

The Resurrection of the Dead

A sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 7 June 2020 When it comes to the end of life and to the fate of the dearly departed, people believe in a lot of comforting lies. For example, a few years ago a boy in my Scripture class came up to me...

The Forgiveness of Sins

A sermon by Rev Richard Keith on Psalm 32 on Sunday 31 May 2020 There are many hard things to believe in the Apostles’ Creed. Many people struggle to believe in God or in the resurrection of Jesus or in the church. But in my opinion, one of the hardest things to...

At the Right Side of the Father

A sermon by Rev Richard Keith on Psalm 110:1 and Hebrews 1:1-4 on Sunday 24 May 2020 Have you ever heard the expression, “Don’t just sit there, do something”? It’s a call to action. It’s the announcement that the time for rest has finished, and it is now time to get...