by Richard Keith | May 30, 2023
A message on Micah 6:6-8 for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by Richard Keith on Thursday 25 May 2023 I’d like to begin this short reflection on Micah chapter 6 by saying that our prayers for Christian unity will come to nothing until there is real,...
by Richard Keith | May 30, 2023
An introduction to a new sermon series on Covenants in the Bible and a sermon on Genesis 1 to 3 by Richard Keith on Sunday 28 May 2023 There are a lot of books out there in the world, more than we can ever read. So if a book wants to be read it needs a good...
by Richard Keith | May 9, 2023
A sermon on Revelation 21 and 22 by Richard Keith on Sunday 7 May 2023 I like to describe myself as a cheerful pessimist. I’m not an optimist. Optimists are those poor miserable wretches, always saying, “It’ll be alright.” Always thinking, “What could possibly go...
by Richard Keith | May 2, 2023
A message on Revelation 12 by Richard Keith on Sunday 30 April 2023 The Art of War is a book on military strategy written in China in about 500 BC. Each of its 13 chapters is devoted to a different aspect of warfare, planning, supply, field position and...