by Richard Keith | Dec 28, 2018
A sermon by Rev Richard Keith on Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:8-16 on Christmas Eve 2018 Our message tonight is about the light that shines in the darkness. The message of joy to the broken-hearted. The song of peace for our war-torn world. It’s a message we need today as...
by Richard Keith | Dec 28, 2018
A sermon by Rev Richard Keith on Luke 2:1-8 and 2 Corinthians 8:9 on Christmas Day 2018 There’s a saying these days, “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” It’s a challenge to back up your words with actions. A bit like the saying, “Put your money where...
by Richard Keith | Dec 28, 2018
A sermon by Rev Richard Keith on Matthew 1:18-25 on 23 December 2018 Where is God? Some people look for him to provide rain in season and a bumper harvest, only to find drought followed by flood and heartbreak followed by frustration. So where is God? Some people look...
by Richard Keith | Dec 22, 2018
Christmas Eve (Monday) 7:30 pm at Coreen Presbyterian Church 9:30 pm at Corowa Presbyterian Church Christmas Day 9:30 am at Corowa Presbyterian Church
by Richard Keith | Dec 20, 2018
A sermon on Isaiah 6 by Rev Richard Keith on Sunday 16 December, 2018 If you cut a pine tree, the stump will die. Cut off from the trunk, the branches and the leaves, it will slowly rot and return to the soil. Cut down a gum tree or many deciduous trees like oak and...
by Richard Keith | Dec 12, 2018
A sermon on Mark 10:17-31 by Brenton Kilby. Brenton is a ministry trainee with AFES’s campus ministry at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
by Richard Keith | Dec 3, 2018
Two talks on Isaiah 1:1-20 by Rev Richard Keith on 2 December 2018 Talk 1. What is your name? Where are you? What day is it? These questions are often used by doctors and nurses and paramedics to test if a person with a head injury is orientated to person, place and...